A Spiritual Publication
Issue # 29
Nov 2008 - Jan 2009
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This is an exciting time that we all are going through. Energetic shifts on a political level and earth changes all seem to fit together. They appear very chaotic and yet are extremely positive in the grander picture of life..
Speaking about positive, as you read this newsletter you will notice that it is much shorter with a different feeling. Simplicity, heartfelt and fun is what we are striving for.
If you have an inspirational story that you would like to share with our readers, I would love to put them in upcoming newsletters. The difference we can make in somebody’s life by sharing can be very profound. If you are drawn to share your story, please keep it under 200 words and email to diane@serenitynews.com or to my mailing address: 25360 Deertrail Drive, Tehachapi, CA 93561
Jeffrey and I are also grandparents for the 4th time :-) My oldest daughter, Maria, brought a beautiful 8 lb 10 oz little angel into the world on September 14th and her name is Erika. Yes, we are very proud :-).
In closing, I wish you many joyful memories in this holiday season.
As your world ramps up on all fronts, we would wish to say that the next few years will be a whirlwind of exploration. It is a growth cycle for the planet as well as the hearts of the people. Cyclic events will be experienced by all inhabitants of the earth plane as well as personal situations that will penetrate the very fabric of your belief systems. This will create perception shifts, followed by decision making for movement forward to benefit the outcome of ones life journey.
Ownership of your life is the greatest gift you can give yourself and others As you take responsibility a sense of freedom takes precedence. This freedom creates a foundation of strength and the knowing that all is fine in the face of adversity.
As one door closes another opens—will you see only the closed door or will you see the possibility of the opportunities that await you?
We wish you clarity in these times of exploration,
Specials, Classes and Changes Diane Rose Phillips—Spiritual Counselor (888)910-2038 www.serenitynews.com diane@serenitynews.com
Teleconference Group Sessions (Requires 8 in attendance to have the group session) Time: 9:00—10:30 a.m. Pacific Time
Validating Yourself During the Holidays Teleconference Date: Fri, November 14, 2008 Register by: Fri, November 7, 2008 You will learn to: · Stay neutral in the face of adversity · Express freely and simply · Validate how you feel—not perceived obligation · Keep it simple How The Universe Responds to You Teleconference Date: Fri, December 12, 2008 Register by: Fri, December 5, 2008 You will learn to: · Recognize Divine intervention · Be more aware of what you are creating · Pay attention to your intentions · Recognize the positive in each situation The New Year And What It Offers Teleconference Date: Fri, January 16, 2009 Register by: Fri, January 9, 2009 You will learn: · The overall synopsis for the year · What behaviors offer growth and stagnancy · How to balance in the unknown Cost: $35.00, plus your normal long distance charges The sessions will be recorded via the teleconferencing website. The recorded information is available for 30 days only. |
New Email Address: diane@serenitynews.com
New Website Address: www.serenitynews.com
The best way to prepare for life is to begin to live. Elbert Hubbard |
Specials Holiday Gift Certificates: (Nov/Dec) · Buy 6 1/2 hour sessions, get the 7th free ($360) · Buy 6 1 hour sessions, get the 7th free ($720) Gift Certificates valid for 1 year from the purchase date. Give as gift or use for yourself.